Saturday, March 26, 2011

We Give Military Branch Service Bibles

This is a photographic image of my calling card for this project.  It is fairly clear with the title of "Red Boots Military Service Branch Bible Project" and the statement of "We give Holman Military Service Branch Bibles to Veterans."  We do not limit it to veterans, and in fact, put the active service personnel ahead of veterans but we don't exclude anyone who served.  The photograph on the card is of a Marine's Bible but they are also available in these versions:  The Soldier's Bible, The Sailor's Bible, The Airman's Bible, and The Coastguardman's Bible."  And, there are versions for The Fireman's and the Policeman's Bible.  I fear some, when they do not have time to talk with me and learn what I am doing, may think I am a bible salesman or pushing a religion.  I am not.  I am interested only in giving these bibles to those active and veteran service women and men who want one. 

I have the Sailor's Bible, with my name on the cover, and inside in the first few pages where there are several places for it, is written my service record, from enlistment, boot camp, Radar "A" School, my service aboard The USS Point Defiance (LSD-31) until my discharge, my graduation from high school, marriage, birth and death records for my son Stephen William Payne (1967-2003) and a few of the missions on which I served.

Let me reiterate, I am not a bible salesman.  I learned about the Marine's Bible quite by accident and then almost the same way, I learned about the other bibles in the series.  I set a goal to give one hundred (100) of the Marine's Bible to marines.  Since then, I have successfully give eighty of them to marines.  I have also given thirty bibles to other servicemen and service women; the bulk of those have been The Soldier's Bible with a few of them The Sailor's Bible, one The Airman's Bible and one The Coastguardman's Bible.

When I know of someone who is active military or a veteran, or a parent of one, I ask if they want a bible, frequently showing my Sailor's Bible to them so that they understand what I am talking about, and I do not talk of religion with them.  If they say, "Yes" then I ask his or her name, and Melvin prints the name on the bible.  For example, Sergeant First Class Robert Kowal has a Soldier's Bible with just his name, "Robert Kowal" on the cover of the bible.  His bible has an army green cover with the Army Seal on it as well.

This monograph is printed on the back of my calling card:

"My project is to give Holman Military Branch bibles to our military and veterans.  I pay for them from my earnings and Social Security income so I can buy them only when I have funds.  I give about 25 bibles a year.  They are the Marine's Bible, The Sailor's Bible, The Soldier's Bible, etc.  I began my project in 2005 and as of January 2011, we have donated 100 military service branch bibles.  Seventy-five of them have been the Marine's Bible."

The statement is true but the number of bibles now given is 110 as of March 25, 2011.

Stephen Joe Payne

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